About Us
Welcome to the West Virginia chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program! We invite physicians, other health professionals, and all West Virginians to join us in advocating for a national, single-payer healthcare system.
We are non-partisan. Healthcare is not a partisan issue. Everyone wants to be healthy and feel well.
The pages on this site tell a story: About America's broken health system, the causes, how our system measures up against other countries, fixing the broken promise of Medicare, and finally, we end with our proposed solution.
PNHP West Virginia is a chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP). PNHP was founded by physicians in 1988 in response to the growing for-profit privatization of healthcare in American. We invite you to join both organizations. Together, we can work towards an affordable, comprehensive, inclusive healthcare system for everyone in America.
Reforming the American health care system is crucial
to ensuring that everyone can access quality care

We Believe
We believe that physicians have a responsibility to bond together and fight for a better healthcare system. By working together with all healthcare professionals, health advocacy organizations, and the public, we can have a greater influence on health policy, and make a real difference in the lives of patients and the future of healthcare.
Our Mission
Physicians for a National Health Program and our West Virginia chapter are committed to helping doctors join other forces to change from a for-profit system to one that is based on providing a patient-first system for all and one in which doctors can provide quality, more comprehensive care that is tailored to individual needs, free of the abuse of corporate players focused on profits.

Meet With Us
Our members come from all over West Virginia to meet the last Sunday each month at 7:00 pm via ZOOM. We invite you to join us. We open the meeting with a speaker who shares the latest updates on West Virginia healthcare and other medical news. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging event! Come with your questions.
For more information and ZOOM link, email: pnhp.wv@gmail.com
Join the national Physicians for a National Health Program
Looking to make a difference in the world? PNHP is dedicated to creating positive change and we need your help! Visit PNHP.org, to learn more about our mission and what you can do to be a part of change you want.
Reasonable annual dues with various levels fund PNHP research and advocacy initiatives. A portion of the dues funds the activities of PNHP West Virginia chapter. Click here to join or renew membership.
Impossible alone; possible together
26% of the House of Representatives are Co-Sponsors of
H.R. 3421Medicare for All Act. Click here to see who. (Scroll down)
14 U.S. Senators are Co-Sponsors of the S.1655 Medicare for All Bill. Click here to see who.
See the over 200 national, state and local groups endorsing this legislation.
In a 2023 Gallup poll, 57% of respondents said it is the government's responsibility to ensure healthcare coverage for all Americans.